Policies and Procedures

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All movers must adhere to the following:

  • Where furniture or equipment is being moved with wheel or skid-type dollies, clean masonite sections will be used as runners on all finished floor areas.  The masonite sections must be at least ¼” thick, 4’x8’ wide sheets in elevator lobbies and corridors, and 32” wide sheets through the doors in the Tenant space.  All masonite sections must be taped to prohibit sliding.
  • Protect exterior pavers and walkways with Masonite.
  • The mover must provide and install protective coverings on all walls, door facings, elevator cabs and other areas along the route to be followed during the move.  These areas will be inspected for damage after the move.
  • Damage to the building or fixtures caused by the move is the responsibility of and will be paid for by, the Tenant.
  • Tenant must arrange elevator usage with the Management Office for all moves.  A firm arrival time must be established.  If Management supervision (or additional security personnel) is required, as determined by the Management Office, a nominal fee will be charged to the Tenant.
  • Movers will be required to remove all boxes, trash, etc. when leaving the building.  Remaining materials will be disposed of and the Tenant will be billed the disposal charges.
  • Movers must carry insurance in accordance with the following section entitled Insurance Requirements.
  • Movers must perform all cleanup, including vacuuming.
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